quinta-feira, 1 de agosto de 2013

Like a Shadow (In The Mourning)

It still beating on my chest
Everyday, never rest. Never ends.
Sometimes it's weakly
Most times strongly

I don't know what I should do!
I should be over all the butterflies on my stomach!
Always when I remember of our little talks
It feels like crying and laughing

Happiness and sadness at the same time!
You're still close to me
Even though there's an ocean and some rocks between us.
I remember there are no "us".

Among kicks and punches
There was a hug, a kiss and some love.
Among every vodka bottle
There was a nice smile.

I wanted you, you and only you!
I still dream of you and no one else.
I told myself I would be strong enough to overcome it all.
But it's difficult when your heart was stolen.

When it's beating on a far kingdom, under meters of snow.
My arms are claiming for only one person
My nose want to breath only her smell.
My head is such a mess.

I do no own anything on this video.

Jeg ville ha deg, deg og bare deg!
Jeg fortsatt drømme om deg og ingen andre.
Jeg sa til meg selv at jeg ville være sterk nok til å overvinne alt.
Men det er vanskelig når ditt hjerte ble stjålet.
Og nå er det å slå på en langt rike

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